Kathleen Schultz Kathleen Schultz

Understanding Sensory Issues in Kids: A Comprehensive Approach 

When your child struggles with sensory issues – daily meltdowns, refusal to wear certain clothes or eat specific foods, difficulty sleeping – it can be exhausting and isolating. Each sensory-related tantrum or meltdown in public can make you feel the weight of judgmental stares from people unaware of the neurological root causing your family's daily struggles.

So, if you are a parent who is seeking to fully understand sensory issues in your child and better explore natural solutions because traditional therapies and avoidance tactics are falling short, this is for you.

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Kathleen Schultz Kathleen Schultz

Decoding Autism: Exploring Genetics, Triggers, and Hope

Trying to understand autism often begins with one burning question: Is autism genetic? While genes undoubtedly play a role through genetic predisposition, even traditional medical doctors and media outlets are starting to acknowledge the existence of an "environmental" factor. However, they often stop short at this acknowledgment, leaving the concept of the environment as a vague blanket statement. Here's where we differ – our goal is to take you deep into the real root causes and known triggers of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

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Kathleen Schultz Kathleen Schultz

Do Kids Really “Grow Out Of” Things Like Colic, Reflux, and Constipation?

If you have been up all night with your child who is experiencing colic, chronic constipation, reflux, or ear infection after ear infection, it’s essential to know that these issues will not simply go away on their own. If your child is struggling with tons of tantrums, meltdowns, developmental delays, and difficulty sleeping, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s just a phase.

The science behind these conditions is related to the function and development of the central and autonomic nervous system, an area that conventional pediatricians do not understand very well, but is the absolute specialty of our Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors.

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Kathleen Schultz Kathleen Schultz

The Perfect Storm: Insights into Childhood Neurological Disorders 

If you're a parent struggling with the challenges of chronic neurological conditions in your child—ranging from autism, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorder to anxiety, seizures, and OCD—then you're likely familiar with the emotions that come along with these challenges such as frustration, exhaustion, and a relentless pursuit of answers. Despite navigating traditional medical avenues, searching online resources, and trying out various therapies like PT, OT, and speech, you might still feel like you're stuck without solutions or definitive answers.

Welcome to what we call "The Perfect Storm"—an accumulation of traumatic events, toxins, and developmental disruptions that can leave your child’s nervous system in an endless state of imbalance. We can help.

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